Thursday, August 30, 2007

Irony, Oh Irony

Kenya is exporting religious leadership to the United States. Considering the complex history of European colonialism on the Continent and slavery and racism in our country, it's ironic and indicative how far folks will go to defeat the scary homosexual agenda:

William Atwood and William Murdoch are among a growing number of conservative U.S. clerics pledging allegiance to African bishops who take a tough line against homosexuality.

"As a bishop ... you are to maintain the Church's discipline, guard her faith and promote her mission in the world," Nzimbi told them during a service at Nairobi's All Saints Cathedral attended by hundreds of worshippers.

Atwood and Murdoch will be in charge of 30 congregations in the United States who have asked for leadership from Kenya.

At the service, they vowed to "serve the international interests of the Anglican Church of Kenya, to serve clergy and congregations in North America under the Kenyan jurisdiction."

The 77 million-strong Anglican Communion has been divided since the Episcopal Church, its 2.4 million member U.S. branch, consecrated Gene Robinson as Anglicanism's first openly gay bishop four years ago.

My how far we have come. How enlightened we are! 140 years ago it was still legal to buy and sell a black man in this country. 50 years ago, a black man still couldn't vote in many some will take guidance and leadership from an African Bishop rather than evolve and grow into acceptance that God loves all of His children. Even the gay ones.

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