The League's Board of Director's decided recently to make defeating this gambling expansion referendum its top priority until November. This is the first time since 1994 that this Christian ministry has allowed her deep concerns over sexual morality to drop from its top priority ranking.Seemed like a reasonable redirection of focus--gambling's something most folks can agree to hate, especially in Maine. Neon lights and the ding-ping of the slots just doesn't reinforce the state motto. And besides, most folks in Maine are getting tired of the CCL's constant bleating about the "homosexual agenda"and its non-existent threat to "family values" so they stopped listening to the daily bleat. Like the neighbors say, "Live Free or Die".
How quickly good intentions are abandoned. Less than two weeks later, Mike Heath and his League are back on the sex band wagon. Today's press release about a state other than Maine (the Commonwealth of Massachusetts) declares
And the truth is that homosexuality is perverse, deviant and disgusting sexual behavior that isn't a topic of discussion in polite and civil societies. If people want to do it in the privacy of their home then shame on them, but I'm not interested in stopping their boorish bedroom antics anymore than I'm interested in hearing about it."
Idunnomike. It sounds like you really are interested in stopping their boorish bedroom antics, even though you said you were going to stop obsessing about "their boorish bedroom antics" . Either that or you're just hateful.
Pam is blogging this, as is Good As You.
Update: I'd be totally remiss not to link to Peter LaBarbera's thoughts on the matter
It's scary that MassResistance, Mike Heath (in his podcast today) and Americans For Truth all place the blame for this loss--their view, not mine--on compromise.
What's that quote?
"To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead."
----Thomas Paine
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