Monday, March 19, 2007


It couldn't happen to a nicer person......
Meanwhile, today on the Hill, Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-Ohio) was seen making a spectacle of herself when the unlucky lawmaker slipped and fell in what we’re told was vomit, in a bathroom in Cannon. (Some nice female dealing with the repercussions of Jason Roe’s going away party by chance?) “She made THE biggest scene in the hallway,” says a staffer who escaped the, um, regurgitation. “It’s literally all down her back.”

There's a reason she's called Mean Jean and it's not just because she called John Murtha a coward....

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Is Dobson Really Losing His Power?

The Economist seems to think so.....

The problem is that Mr Dobson is not all that good at politics. He
displays all the characteristic weaknesses of evangelical
politicos—overreaching hopelessly and then blaming failure on want of
political courage. He was the prime force behind both the fight to keep
Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube in place and the push for a gay-marriage
ban. But a majority of evangelicals disapproved of the first and a
large number of his fellow social conservatives warned, rightly, that
the second was a waste of effort.

I myself, think rumors of the Religious Right's declining power are wishful thinking and grossly overstated.

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Monday, March 05, 2007

The Face of This War

Anytime you hear a war apoligist say that only 2,000 A-mur-i-can lives have been sacrificed in this war against terror, remember this face. 70,000 Iraqi civilians and 184,000 wounded American patriots must be counted. And before we count them, we must give them health care and the help that they deserve.
More here.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Where's the Outrage?

Via Michelle Malkin:
Ann Coulter just finished her riff on Al Gore, tossed out some cute jokes ("You can understand why Hollywood is concerned about global warming. You know what heat does to plastic."), and ended with a cheap one-liner about John Edwards being a "faggot." (Paraphrasing) She said she would refrain from commenting on Edwards because "if you say faggot, you have to go to rehab."

C'mon Michelle, the best you can do is report that you didn't giggle? Where's your righteous indignation? Where's your moral outrage? Where's the HotAir editorial on declining civility caused by liberal values? I guess if she'd been commenting on Obama and substituted the n word, you wouldn't have giggled about that, either.
Oh yea, I forgot. Being black is genetic. Being gay is a choice:
This is what liberals do, hijack and invert the language so that certain views are simply unacceptable and must not be voiced. However, what they can’t do is argue the fact homosexuality is abnormal. Further, for males it is very unhealthy, and as far as societal value, that behavior has zero. But since they can’t argue these facts they must silence you by labeling words “hate speech” and making dissenters from their views as the abnormal ones when in reality the opposite is true.

My bad. Thank god folks like you and The Ace are protecting us from the decline in Family Values and Civility.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

This Is Wrong On So Many Levels

While James Dobson and Rick Santorum and others on the Christian Right are so very, very busy defending "family values" from the "sodomites" and Darwinists, the administration that they support (and were once a part of--sorry about that resounding defeat in the last election, Rick) has overseen the slide of the welfare of our children to the lowest of the 21 rich countries surveyed by UNICEF.

While the Christian Right obsesses about the attack on Christian values (as evidenced by Mary Cheney's pregnancy), a 12-year old Maryland boy dies of a toothache. The bacteria from the abcess in his tooth invaded his brain. After almost $250,000 in emergency hospital care, Deamonte Driver passed away on Sunday. His death could have been avoided by an $80.00 tooth pulling.

Dr. Dobson, wouldn't some of the $137,848,520 (2004 Focus on the Family revenue) that your ministry makes each year be better spent helping the poor and destitute in our country? Or is Leviticus 18:22 more important than Jesus teaching ("Whatever you do unto the least of these, you do unto me.")?

It's time to take back our country and our values from the so-called Christians and show the rest of the world what Jesus really meant.